74 gear

F**k Around and Find Out - Airline Edition

Pilot Refuses to Land

3 BEST things with flying the Boeing 747! Mentour Pilot vs 74Gear

Entitled Passenger Gets Everyone Kicked Off Plane

Flight Attendants ANNOY PILOTS - Fly With Stella vs. 74 Gear 🤣 - 2019

Mayday Aircraft Asked to Hold

Cargo Pilot vs Passenger Pilot! Can you REALLY fly a B747 in Pyjamas?

Passenger Hurt as Another Boeing Plunges at Ground

Inspiring Story of Kelsey Hughes (74 Gear)

We're Flying WHAT?

Terrible Idea for Airline Pilots

Pilot Almost Causes Mid-Air Collision

Airline Ticket Prices About to Sky Rocket

Trump Hater Refuses to Get Off Plane

Pilot Argues About WHERE to Land

Pilot's Huge Last-Second Mistake

Tucker Carlson's Plane Crashes

Pilot Breaks Plane on Landing | Viral Debrief

How Pilots Scammed Hotel | Animated Cockpit Confessionals

Hope They Don't See This

Midlife Crisis

Pilot Misses Runway on Landing

Pilots Can't Understand JFK Controller

Sleeping Inside Korean Airport